Add your Domain to OpenEMR

This article will show your how to add your domain to OpenEMR in the control panel.

1. Log in to the Client Panel

Please log in to the Control Panel with your credentials. Then locate your target deployment on the Home page or the My Applications page.

2. Navigate to the "Site & SSL" page

Click the "Manage" button on the Home page or the My Applications pgae, followed by the “Site & SSL” tab.

3. Add your domain

On this page, you can see that a default domain is configured for each newly-created OpenEMR site. Locate the website and click “Create Domain” to add your customized domain.

  • Step 1 Click “Create Domain” to add your customized domain.

  • Step 2 Input the domain name. For example:

  • Step 3 Decide if you would like to use our nameservers or not.

    Yes: If you use our nameservers, please set your domain’s nameservers to &

    No: If you prefer to use your own nameservers, you must make the "www" and "none" DNS A records of your domain point to the IP address we provide in the Control Panel.

    The IP can be viewed here.

  • Step 4 Click Create to add your domain.

4. Check domain

This is a feature to check your domain health. Click the Check Domain button for a domain. You will get the check result in a few seconds.

If there are any issues about your domain, please make sure the issues are addressed.

5.Enable Free SSL

The following steps are for installing free Let's Encrypt SSL to your domain. If your domain is not pointing to the IP address we provide, Free SSL cannot work.

6. Manage your OpenEMR Site

Now you can log in to your OpenEMR site via browser and start managing it.

Copyright © 2022 Cloud Clusters Inc.Revised on 08/24/2022

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